Dear all, I hope to find most of you relieved now that the main deadline for the Dissertation Report and the final Dissertation has passed. To the rest of you, I wish you luck! As some of you know, I attended a meeting as Course Representative in Lithuania 2 weeks ago. Some of the issues concern us all as Mundus students so I’m sending you a PDF document with all the relevant information gathered on that meeting. If you have any questions, you can email me directly. Also, I’d like to inform you that last week I was present in a meeting with the consortium coordinators where the future of our programme was discussed. I suggested some changes according to what was discussed in our General Meeting last November. At the moment I cannot tell you for sure if and what is going to change but I’m sure either Cheryl or Prof. Girard will inform you in due time. If I hear of anything certain I will let you know. Finally, I’d like to tell you that a new Crossways website is to be launched soon, with a different layout so check it out. I wish you all a great summer. Cheers, General Assembly of Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association 1. What is EMA? The Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association Services Provided: Newsletter; Field Reporter; Website; New EMA statute; Magazine; Share Point (software); Live Meeting (online meeting; desktop share) EMA progress 2008/09: * Online voting for EMMC Representatives, President and Vice-President * Reaching out to members: Website content improved * Steering Committee Meetings, Liaison Group Meetings * IFISO: Informal Forum of international students’ organisations * Continued and extended support from the European Commission * Launching Erasmus Mundus II: * Input * Tuition fee (institutions have to demonstrate how it was calculated) * Fixed amount for student expenses * Quality Assurance of Erasmus Programmes * Erasmus Mundus II selection board 2. Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 09 Why Vilnius? • Vilnius was nominated along with Linz • Ancient role as a cosmopolitan city • To promote historic cultural links • To strengthen Lithuanian identity and knowledge of ecumenical commonwealth history • To increase positive long term effects • Vilnius used to be a twilight zone, now more visible The goals: Celebrate – special events (eg: opening event; Street music day) Discuss – conferences and conventions Create – European Art Programme Remember – Living History Programme (drama, handicraft, architecture, literature, 1984 survival time: 2 hours of survival in a bank during the soviet times) Communicate – culture (re)discovery programme Enjoy – People programme (eg. Children’s creativity festival; fashion weekend; Haiku for Vilnius) Nearly 90 projects (600 events), most of which are free. 3. Graduate Impact Survey General Information: * Long-term study: 2007 – 2009 * Performed by ICUnet * Online survey among all Erasmus Mundus * Participants from 113 countries The Impact of the Erasmus Mundus Programme: - What does it influence the most? • 44.6% Attitude towards Europe • 42.5% Career • 40.2% Subject related expertise • On Personality and Career increase after graduation o Especially intercultural competence • On Private life: decreases after graduation - How long does it take to get a job? 1) Less than a month 2) 2-4 months 3) + 4 months 4) 1-2 months - 24.5% of the graduates have found a partner during the Erasmus Mundus Master Course Detailed report from July in 4. Erasmus Mundus Phase 2 General Information: * Between 2009-2013 * Erasmus Mundus I + EM External Cooperation Windows Erasmus Mundus I • 140 students (2004) 1957 students (2008) • 55% Asia; 16% South America; 14% Africa; 9% Europe; 5% North America; 1% Australia • Top Countries: 1) India; 2) China; 3) Brazil; 4) Ethiopia; 5) Russia Erasmus Mundus II: Programmes that… * Satisfy the identified needs * Have an impact on national legislation (e.g.: joint degrees) * Impact on attractiveness of EU Higher Education * Satisfy the need for better balance between non-EU and EU students * Satisfy the need for extending the programme to the Doctoral Level New Characteristics: * Integration of External Windows * Provide Joint Doctoral Programmes * Provide full-study scholarships for Europeans * More third country HEI’s * Reinforcement of the role of other socio-economic roles From 2010… Action 1: Joint Programmes (include scholarships) Action 2: Partnerships o Between HEI in EU and third countries/regions o 3rd countries covered by external co-operation instruments o Definition of priorities according to needs o Scholarships of varying lengths (3 months to 3 years) Action 3: Promotion of European Higher Education o Promotion Projects (employability, sustainability) o Information Grants for Erasmus Mundus national structures o EMA o Studies: Quality Assurance Initiative Budget: € 493 millions for Actions 1 + 3 € 460 millions for Action 2 Joint Doctoral Programmes in 2010 140 Applications 10 will be selected (results published in the summer) Expected Outputs (2009-2013): — 150 EM Master Course — 35 EM Joint Doctorates — 3500 EU Master Students — 330 EU Doctoral Students — 5300 Third country – Masters level — 450 Third country – Doctoral level The EMMC (Erasmus Mundus Masters Course) period will not be taken into account for scholarships applications when applying for a PhD. Useful Links: * * * 5. Changes to the EMA statute The following changes to the EMA statute were voted: * Addition of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme to the association; * Collective Membership to organizations demonstrating an affiliation with EMA; * Minutes of the meeting available within 6 weeks; * Elections for the Vice-President - procedure; * Voting rights for Chapter Representatives; * Voting rights for Observers of the GA; * Candidates running for Presidency and Vice-Presidency simultaneously; * Observers in the GA active participation in Service Teams; * Mechanisms for the Course Representative elections provided by the Association; * Formation and recognition of regional chapters. If you require any additional information, you can ask me directly for the entire statute. 6. Chapters and Service Teams Chapters * An integral part of the internal EMA structure, representing the EMA in their geographical area; * Dedicated to support the implementation of the EMA mission within that region – improve networking and promote Erasmus Mundus as a European Programme of excellence * Chapters Functions: Information Sharing and events; Promotion and Marketing; Job Placement and Professional Development; Political Representation; Cultural, academic and professional cooperation. * Current Chapters: Africa, China, Commonwealth of Independent States and Mongolia, India, Latin America. * Chapters in construction: Europe, North America, Pacific Region, South East Asia. * Country Representatives: Promote the Erasmus Mundus within their country. Service Teams: * Provide specific services within the EMA to EMA members * Newsletter; Magazine; Jobs; Conferences; IT; Policy. 7. Elections President Candidates: Peter Bentley: * Focus on overcoming basic barriers such as level of education or accommodation * Academic quality; communication * Career prospects Jenny Lenhart: * Focus on a more direct involvement from EMA * Regional Chapters * More help to new students and alumni * More memberships Chunyu Liang: * Construction of a community * Networking; enhance the success of the community * Academic/professional networking * Thematic conferences * Support EMMC association * Self-dependent community Elected Candidate – Chunyu Liang Vice-President Candidates: Ricardo Chavez: * Focus on supporting the further development of chapters * Creating an archive * Interaction between the chapters and the European Commission * Focus on the students and alumni association * Establishment of forums * Promote the association of students in courses that don’t have one Salman M. Khan: * Introduction of new regional chapters * More coordination between EMA and the EC (jobs and conferences) * Quality Assurance between the Steering Committee and the European Committee * Assistance with Accommodation Jorge Marcano: * Regional Chapter * Promotion through youtube, 4 yearly numbers of Emanate (the magazine) * EMA support to previous, current, and former EM students Adedeji Ogunlaja: * Promote EM as an excellence programme * Social Networking with alumni and students * Improvement of welfare packages * Career advice Elected Candidate: Ricardo Chávez 8. Panel Discussion * E-voting/Elections * Improvements to the GA * Role of EMMC Representatives * More room for input * Improvements to EMA * Budget * Transparency * Anything to add to next year’s agenda?
This blog was created as part of the Erasmus Mundus Crossways in Cultural Narratives Masters programme, which is the only one of the EU approved and funded Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes to specialise in traditional humanities with a modern languages background. The Crossways Consortium comprises 6 top-class European universities.
For further information, please check the programme's official website and the universities' websites on the Useful Links section on the left. If you wish to have a specific question answered, please click on Email here and submit your query.
Mundus students, here you will find regular posts regarding the universities of the consortium, tips, activities, events, pictures, etc. Apart from checking it regularly to keep yourself up to date, a good way to use the blog is through the search device. We already have a significant amount of information on some universities of the consortium, so if you want to find information on a specific city, type its name in the search field (top left). You will then see all posts related to that specific city (because each post title contains the city's name in it). You can also type "General" in order to find information concerning everybody.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
EMA General Assembly Feedback
Ana Sofia Guerreiro
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7:37 pm
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