Thursday, 10 September 2009
Research Abstracts
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10:58 pm
15th EMA Newsletter
Dear EMA members, Summer is over, but EMA is starting with plenty of activities into the new academic year. Please consider especially the Call for Articles for the next Emanate magazine, as well as Calls for Applications for two upcoming large EMA events: GeoMundus Symposium 2009 and Erasmus Mundus Second Thematic Conference "Communication and Dialogue on Energy and Sustainable Development". Yours, EMA EMA Call for Articles and Photos for New Emanate Magazine! Thematic Conference: Communication and Dialogue on Energy and Sustainable Development Latin American Chapter Directive Board Elections - Polls are now open! Call for Industry Contacts! And other Updates from the EMA’s Jobs & Career Team. EMA Steering Committee Handover Meeting Report Online! EMA Taiwan Network Iqbal Akbar New President of EMA SEA Chapter! Field Reporter: Festival MED’s 6th edition! Spanish Fulbright Alumni Association invites EMA Representative to Annual Dinner EMA invited to ALGANT Graduation Ceremony Field Report: Body World Exhibition in Seville EMA Regional Chapter CIS and Mongolia Erasmus Mundus Programme Upcoming Erasmus Mundus Event: GeoMundus Symposium 2009! Erasmus Mundus Pre-departure Orientation in Russia International Education Events Opportunity for Environment Activists - EarthCorps International program Climate 2009 - Online Conference One Issue One Programme MSc in NeBCC – The Bits and Bytes of Information Technology and e-Business15th EMA Newsletter
The next issue of Emanate, EMA's own magazine, will be published in late autumn. Submit your articles and photos until September 20, 2009, and take your chance to share your thoughts with the EMA members in the new issue![more]
GeoMundus is the inaugural Erasmus Mundus Symposium on Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences to be held in Lisbon from October 30 to November 1, 2009 . The organizing committee is a group of students from the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Geospatial Technologies Program. [more]
The first Erasmus Mundus pre-departure orientation for Russian students took place in Moscow on 31 July 2009 in the office of the EC delegation to the Russian Federation. [more]
The internationally recognized organization EarthCorps offers a learning program in Seattle, Washington State. Find out more about the great opportunity to participipate in the 6-months program that charges no tuition or fees here...[more]
MSc in Network and e-Business Centered Computing is today the focus of "One issue - One Programme" special feature... [more]
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10:54 pm
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
It is my pleasure to announce that the tradition started by Roberta Gregoli will continue this year, with the 2nd Crossways General Meeting of Students. The GM allows students from all the 7 universities from the consortium to meet and discuss the changes that should be made to the program. Last year, issues such as that of the heavy workload in the 2nd semester, were addressed to the director of the program after being discussed in the GM, and are now in the process of being changed. In addition, the General Meeting is a great opportunity to meet another university, another city, and students who otherwise you wouldn’t have met.
Where: Lisbon, Portugal
When: November 13-15, 2009
This year, for the first time, the Alumni meeting will be parallel to the students’ meeting, allowing for joint activities and discussions regarding the past, present and future of the program. In addition, students will have the opportunity to explore Lisbon and its wonders! Financial help will be available for accommodation in hostels.
If you are interested in participating, please send me an email (guerreiro.asofia@gmail.com) before Wednesday, 30th September and let me know how many nights you’re spending in Lisbon, so that accommodation costs can be calculated.
I hope to see you all there!
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Ana Sofia Guerreiro
2:33 pm
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Erasmus Mundus in Brazil Network
Os objetivos do grupo são:
- Estabelecer uma rede sólida entre alumni brasileir@s de maneira a promover interação social e profissional;- Discutir maneiras eficientes de promover e divulgar o EM no Brasil, bem como auxiliar candidat@s brasileir@s no processo de seleção;- Organizar e realizar palestras informativas;- Compartilhar materiais promocionais e promover treinamentos informais, de maneira que todos transmitamos a mesma mensagem.
Para entrar no grupo, por favor acesse
Subscribe to Erasmus Mundus no Brasil Email: Visit this group
e clique em "Sign in and apply for membership".
A Rede EM no Brasil está em crescimento constante, tendo realizado mais de 10 visitas a universidades brasileiras, participado uma feira de educação de grande porte (ExpoBelta 2009) e em encontros de assessores internacionais.
Adoraríamos ter você a bordo! Você escolhe se quer participar mais ou menos ativamente (através da função "Edit my membership", onde você escolhe se quer receber emails diários ou não).
Qualquer dúvida ou esclarecimento, não hesite em me contactar pessoalmente em roberta.gregoli@ema-la.eu
Esperamos ver você em breve!
Roberta GregoliMA Erasmus Mundus Crossways in HumanitiesUniversity of Sheffield, Université de Perpignan and Universidade Nova de Lisboa
EMA Country Representative for BrazilEMA Latin America Promotions Team
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1:39 am