
This blog was created as part of the Erasmus Mundus Crossways in Cultural Narratives Masters programme, which is the only one of the EU approved and funded Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes to specialise in traditional humanities with a modern languages background. The Crossways Consortium comprises 6 top-class European universities.

For further information, please check the programme's official website and the universities' websites on the Useful Links section on the left. If you wish to have a specific question answered, please click on Email here and submit your query.

Mundus students, here you will find regular posts regarding the universities of the consortium, tips, activities, events, pictures, etc. Apart from checking it regularly to keep yourself up to date, a good way to use the blog is through the search device. We already have a significant amount of information on some universities of the consortium, so if you want to find information on a specific city, type its name in the search field (top left). You will then see all posts related to that specific city (because each post title contains the city's name in it). You can also type "General" in order to find information concerning everybody.

Friday 15 August 2008

General: Masters Opportunity in Italy

BENVENUTO IN ITALIA con SWOP Scholarships World Program!
Siamo lieti di informarti che la nostra Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (Italia) e la Camera di Commercio di Milano assegnano 20 borse di studio per l> '> iscrizione a Master universitari per l> '> a.a. 2008/09 a favore di candidati meritevoli provenienti dalle aree di particolare interesse per il sistema economico milanese (America Latina, Area del Mediterraneo, Europa dell> '> Est, Asia).
Le borse di studio comprendono:
* 50% di riduzione del costo del master
* > EUR>  5.000 come contributo spese di vitto e alloggio 
Visita la pagina web www.unicatt.it/masteruniversitario/mi per conoscere i programmi dei Master proposti e le procedure per presentare domanda di ammissione o manda una email a swoprogram@unicatt.it.
Il Master Welcome Service può darti utili suggerimenti per progettare il tuo percorso formativo in Italia!
Aspettiamo la tua candidatura!
BIENVENIDO A ITALIA con SWOP Scholarships World Program!
Con el fín de favorecer la internacionalización del sistema universitario milanés, la Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore y la Cámara de Comercio de Milán ponen a disposición 20 becas de estudio, para la inscripción a Posgrados universitarios, destinados a candidatos provenientes de las áreas de interés prioritario para el sistema económico milanés (Europa del Este, Región del Mediterraneo, America Latina y Asia).
Las Becas contemplan:
* 50% de descuento en el costo del Master.
* 5.000 > EUR>  para gastos de alojamiento y manutencion.
Para posteriores informaciones consultar la pagina web www.unicatt.it/masteruniversitario/mi o escribir al e-mail: swoprogram@unicatt.it
Welcome Service Master (Servicio de Bienvenida) te puede ayudar dandote sugerencias utiles para planificar tu proyecto educativo en Milan!

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Ufficio Master
Via Carducci 28/30
20123 Milano
tel. +39 02 7234.3860
fax +39 02 7234.5202

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