
This blog was created as part of the Erasmus Mundus Crossways in Cultural Narratives Masters programme, which is the only one of the EU approved and funded Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes to specialise in traditional humanities with a modern languages background. The Crossways Consortium comprises 6 top-class European universities.

For further information, please check the programme's official website and the universities' websites on the Useful Links section on the left. If you wish to have a specific question answered, please click on Email here and submit your query.

Mundus students, here you will find regular posts regarding the universities of the consortium, tips, activities, events, pictures, etc. Apart from checking it regularly to keep yourself up to date, a good way to use the blog is through the search device. We already have a significant amount of information on some universities of the consortium, so if you want to find information on a specific city, type its name in the search field (top left). You will then see all posts related to that specific city (because each post title contains the city's name in it). You can also type "General" in order to find information concerning everybody.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Raisin Weekend at St Andrews

      by Sakshi Tandom

Here is a sneak peek of an old St Andrews University's tradition. We consider ourselves lucky to be a part of it... Foam, Fun, cheerful smiles, colourful and funny dresses, nonchalance, that's how the raisin weekend is in St Andrews. As a part of this informal academic tradition, you are adopted by your seniors and become part of a proud Academic Family. This ritual is usually for undergraduates but being a new comer, you have a right to find your parents. As we are Master Mundus students, one of the Cultural Studies student adopted us.

On the Raisin Sunday, the academic mother throws a tea-party, and that's where the whole family gets together. You get to meet your Academic siblings. The next morning the Academic Mother dresses you up in a scary and inventive outfit and the Father gives a Raisin receipt. Loaded with all this, you enter the quad for the foam fight. Don't FORGET to buy your weapon in advance as shaving foam's are all sold out in the town . it starts with a parade on the North Street where the whole town gathers to watch you and then you reach the quad armed with shaving foams and fight till you become unrecognizable.


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