
This blog was created as part of the Erasmus Mundus Crossways in Cultural Narratives Masters programme, which is the only one of the EU approved and funded Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes to specialise in traditional humanities with a modern languages background. The Crossways Consortium comprises 6 top-class European universities.

For further information, please check the programme's official website and the universities' websites on the Useful Links section on the left. If you wish to have a specific question answered, please click on Email here and submit your query.

Mundus students, here you will find regular posts regarding the universities of the consortium, tips, activities, events, pictures, etc. Apart from checking it regularly to keep yourself up to date, a good way to use the blog is through the search device. We already have a significant amount of information on some universities of the consortium, so if you want to find information on a specific city, type its name in the search field (top left). You will then see all posts related to that specific city (because each post title contains the city's name in it). You can also type "General" in order to find information concerning everybody.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Getting Started in Perpignan - part 2

       by Poonam Ganglani

Day Two at Perpignan : I woke up feeling adventurous enough to discover the place on my own (I was one of the first to arrive) and ready for a challenge. The day began with the biggest challenge of all- My meeting with the Secrétariat

Lesson number three: Be prepared, be patient and be ready with about 400 Euros to pay your loyer and 400 Euros to pay your caution deposit upfront. There may be exceptions for 1st semester students who will be allowed to postpone payment till the credit of the bourse but in any case, be ready to deal with them and explain the situation…repetitively and politely, never daring to forget your Bonjours and Mercis. I Bonjoured and Mercid myself away from the tough situation and then set out to finish the surrounding formalities. Lesson number four: Do not delay in filling in the CROUS contract given to you by the Secrétariat , and get yourself a 59 Euro logement insurance policy from the LMDE office located on the left side of the main University entrance as early as you can.

After my morning at the secretariat, I decided that I deserved to treat myself to some scrumptious food. I headed to what would be my haven for the first few days in the University: a petit cafet’ opposite the Bibliothèque Universitaire, and hence the name--Cafet’ BU. I soon learned my 

Lesson number five: Take advantage of the food on campus, at least till you get started with your own cooking. The Cafet’ BU and the Aquarium are good for short-eats, The Resto U offers a full meal at just 2,80 Euros and La Loge located above the Accueil is open even in the evenings. La Tartinerie and the Pizza au Feu du Bois camion located opposite the University entrance are good too if you’re willing to spend a bit more. My personal favourite (till a friend converted my bills to Indian rupees and shocked me that is) is Quick,(good ol’ burgers instead of baguettes!) located behind the Cité U.….I still indulge once in a while!


Anonymous said...

Nice work on the site. Am coming to Perpignan in Feb '08 for my 4th semester and hoping to find some accommodation. Have tried emailing the University Accommodation Service a couple of times but no reply. Anyway have heard it's cheaper if you find a flat privately. Any advice? Jonathan - joyfulscientist@hotmail.com

Margot said...

Hi Jonathan! Hope you will enjoy Perpignan. I'll try and find some sites to help you find accomodation. Good idea of posting here, another mundus student might help you on the way.